Board & Staff

Big Bend Conservancy is governed by a dedicated volunteer Board of Directors that reside across Texas.  The Board decides the organization's priorities for funding, projects and partnerships in collaboration with park staff. 
This diverse group has collectively served on multiple boards across the state, have visited the park for decades and bring a determined focus to creating a legacy of fundraising for Big Bend.

President: Christopher Holmes, Waco
President Elect: Amanda Billings, Fort Worth
Vice President – Membership: Pat Long-Weaver, Midland
Vice President – Communications: Tommy Britt, Houston
Vice President – Development: Jose Gaona, Midland
Vice President – Board Development and Nominations: Kristian Fischer, Arp
Vice-President – Special/Capital Projects: Truett Roberts, Dallas
Treasurer: Carol Latimer, Houston
Secretary: Leo Tynan, Fredericksburg

Board Members
Isaac Albarado, Ballinger/Austin
Geoffrey Brune, Houston
Carol Considine, Dallas
Carl Deal, San Marcos
Billy Hassell, Fort Worth
Peter Hennings, Austin
Trey Hermann, Fredericksburg
Erika Holland, Tyler
Mark Phariss, Plano
Amy Pitcock, Midland
Eulon “Ross” Taylor, Austin

NPS Representatives
Kendell Thompson, Acting Superintendent
Rick Gupman, Deputy Superintendent

Big Bend Conservancy Staff
Loren Riemer, Executive Director & CEO
Tanya Adams, Donor Stewardship Coordinator

Please email or call staff if you have questions about your membership or would like to make a donation.

Loren Riemer
Executive Director & CEO